

API response codes


List of possible SMS message statuses

URL-encoded string

API response codes

0integerThe operation completed successfully.
1integerTransmitted data validation error while creating or updating of any entity. The data field provides information on the fields incorrectly filled. Please correct mistakes and repeat the request with a new data.
2integerRequested entry was not found. It is likely to be deleted, the entry ID is incorrect or the user trying to access the entry does not have the appropriate access rights to it.
3integerUnidentified application error occurred. Please contact the support team and let us know the details of the request for which it was received.
4integerParameter module is incorrect. Please check the spelling accuracy in the API documentation.
5integerParameter method is incorrect. Please check the spelling accuracy in the API documentation.
6integerParameter format is incorrect. Please check the spelling accuracy in the API documentation.
8integerLogin failed. Error occurs if: 1. Login details are incorrect. 2. When a user session has expired during the system operation or was forcibly closed by the server. For the detailed information see message field.
9integerRequired method access error.
10integerServer saving data error directly during this operation. Usually this error is related to simultaneous data access from several clients or changes in the conditions for data saving in the process of saving.
11integerSome of the required parameters are missing in the request. Please check the spelling accuracy in the API documentation and add the required parameters to your request.
12integerThe input parameter of the request does not comply with the specified conditions or restrictions. This error code occurs when a parameter violates restrictions when executing a request with parameters. It looks like an attribute validation error but can be received in requests not aimed at creation or modification of data.
13integerAn attempt to request the API-server that does not serve this user. Should you receive this code, look for the correct domain in the data field.
14integerThis error occurs if the user account was blocked or removed.
15integerError occurred while performing of any operation not related to updating of data. Details of this error are listed in the message field of the API response.
30integerExcess of permissible operations limit error within a specific time interval. This error occurs due to excessively frequent requests to the same API method. In case it occurs, reduce the frequency of requests.
98integerThe operation was not performed in full, but with part of the data. Usually, you get this code for any bulk operations, during the execution of which some elements were not processed due to errors or restrictions, but others were processed. Upon receipt of this code, you can check the information on processed and non-processed elements and look for the errors in the contents of the data field.
99integerNone of the bulk operation elements was not processed. For the detailed information on errors in each specific element check the data field, for the general description of the error - the message field.
100integerThis code is not an error and means that the operation is executed as a background process. In this case data field contains the background process ID, the state of which can be checked using method TaskQueue/GetStatus.
999integerGeneral error. For details check the message field.


ID – a unique identifier that allows you to uniquely identify the object you are looking for: a campaign, a group, etc.

Contact card – an entry in the Contacts Book that contains customer information, such as: Name, email, date of birth and other information. Must contain the phone number.

Sender's signature (Sender ID, alphanumeric name) – is displayed as the SMS sender on the recipient's phone instead of the phone number.
There are a number of requirements for the sender's signatures.

Shared signature (SMS sender's) – one of the service signatures used when sending a message, if the user has no signatures or the selected signature is not available for sending to the specified phone number.

Recipient (subscriber) – the user of the mobile communication service to whose number the SMS message is sent.

Short link – an abbreviated (alternative) URL to access the WEB page.

Using a short link instead of the usual one minimizes unintended URL distortion - a short link is easier to remember copy or enter manually.

Statistics are provided in a convenient form: you can see the number of clicks for the last 2 hours, day, week, 30 days or all the time.

Also short links are convenient to use in SMS. They allow you to reduce the cost of sending by reducing the number of characters in the message.

When using a short link created in our service, it is possible to use the function of tracking recipients, who opened the link.

Personal link (recipient tracking link) – a special short link, created with the help of our service and allowing you to track which of the recipients of the SMS-campaign went to it. The link is unique for each individual SMS recipient.

Function of tracking recipients – a tool to collect statistics about recipients who went the short link posted in the message.

It is a convenient and effective tool for analyzing the target audience and evaluating the effectiveness of the SMS-campaign.

The function is available for SMS messages containing hyperlinks. In order to activate the function, it is necessary to press the button of replacing the usual link with a short one in the Send SMS form and check whether the checkmark is next to the «track recipients» option.

Message delivery report (DLR) – information from your service provider about the status of SMS delivery to the recipient.

Form – a convenient tool for collecting customer data, conducting electronic surveys, forming a database of numbers and many other tasks.

With the help of Forms your clients can subscribe to SMS-mailing, news, promotions, etc.

Thanks to the flexible and intuitive field design, you can easily create a form that is as effective as possible for your tasks.

In addition, you can customize the design of the form: choose the color of text, buttons, background, etc. You can find out more about creating Forms in the Forms section.

SMS Campaign – allows you to group multiple recipients of a single SMS and analyze the results of SMS-sending.

Single campaign – send a message to one number.

Массовая кампания – send a message to two or more numbers.

Functional (service) campaign – it includes functional or, in other words, service messages of the system, for example, messages with number confirmation code from forms.

Template campaign – type of SMS-campaign, which uses a special form of message containing playholders, which are replaced by personal text for each recipient.

Example template

Placeholders are placed in curly brackets {}.

Template text with pleiseholdersThe text that will be delivered to the recipient
Hello, {name}! Your balance on {date} is {balance}{currency}.Hello, Nick! Your balance on 12.09.2019 is USD 15.50.
{name}, the car has arrived. Driver's phone: {driverPhone}.Alex, the car has arrived (GKR 444). Driver's phone: 099 999 99 99.
We remind you that you have an appointment at the {place}. Reception Date: {date}.We remind you that you have an appointment at the Clinic. Reception Date: 11.11.2019 at 11:30.

List of possible SMS message statuses

NEWnoNew message, not yet sent
ENQUEUDnoPassed the moderation and queued for sending
ACCEPTDnoSent from the system and accepted by the operator for further sending to the recipient
UNDELIVyesNot delivered to the recipient
REJECTDyesDeclined by the operator on one of a variety of reasons - the wrong recipient's number, forbidden text, etc.
PDLIVRDnoNot all message segments were delivered to the recipient (this status applies to messages only, but not to segments). Some operators return a delivery report only for the first segment of long message, that's why status of such messages will be changed to DELIVRD after the expiration period
DELIVRDyesDelivered to the recipient in full
EXPIREDyesDelivery failed because the message has expired (3 days by default)
DELETEDyesDeleted due to restrictions and not delivered to the recipient

URL-encoded string

Every server language has some kind of function, returning the string, in which all non-alphanumeric characters except -_. have been replaced with a percent (%) sign followed by two hex digits and spaces encoded as plus (+) signs. It is encoded the same way that the posted data from a web-form, that is the same way as in application/x-www-form-urlencoded media type. This differs from the RFC 3986 encoding that for historical reasons, spaces are encoded as a plus (+) sign.


In PHP it is represented by urlencode function.